Bosch BME280 Sensor
BME280  > ESP8266
SDA/SDI > D4 (2)
SCL/SCK > D3 (0)
GND     > GND
VCC     > 3,3V

or Wire.begin(2,0);


Waveshare ePaper
ePaper > ESP8266
BUSY (lila)    > D2  (4)
RST  (weiß)    > D6  (12)
DC   (grün)    > D0 (16)
CS   (orange)  > D1  (5) 
CLK  (gelb)    > D5 (14)
DIN  (blau)    > D7 (13)
GND  (schwarz) > GND
VCC  (rot)     > 3,3V

#if defined(ESP8266)
  GxIO_Class io(SPI, /*CS=D8*/ 5, /*DC=D3*/ 16, /*RST=D4*/ 12); 
  GxEPD_Class display(io, /*RST=D4*/12, /*BUSY=D2*/ 4); // 


Waveshare ePaper 2.9 B/W

Waveshare 2.9 inch Black and White 

And works even fine with Wemos D1 mini in exact the same pinout.

ESP8266 D1 Mini

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